Thursday, 19 April 2012

Design Development - Ancient Egypt

When I was attempting to discover a story or tale to develop my design idea from, I wanted to keep the premise of it all to a "Fantasy" genre as I wanted to keep away from a Sci-Fi feel as I felt that this was all too close to my Comfort Zone.
As I continued to search through various books that I could take on to my design I had found them either to similar to others and not holding a very big potential for something that interested me or showed very much depth.
But for any that I found which held an interesting story and characters I was to soon find out that it had been already "visualized" numerous times already meaning that any "development" would be very small, so I decided to widen my arc of potential stories to Myths and Legends.

I looked to various Countries and Races for their historical tales and stories, a lot of them were based of Religion and Wars which were initially areas I wanted to avoid as Religion is a risque subject for media and especially in games and War is a subject that is far too commonly addressed in games.

I looked into Norse Mythology at it seemed to be a very rich "universe" for development in both design and story, but this has been done a lot in numerous forms of media, Especially in the Marvel comic book series "Thor" as with the same for Greek Mythology, especially in video games with the "God of War" series.
But as I listed the various countries I was more interested in designing the mystical entities of "Gods" and trying to portray their "Status" of in the universe but in a Mythology that has not been fully realized yet, and that is where I turned to Ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egypt holds a vast history with Gods and Myths that entwine them together in forms of tales, stories, archaeology and art which I plan to study and research for this brief.
The more I looked into this area of history I found myself more intrigued and much more involved with discovering and developing an interesting visual style from Egypt's History and Mythology.
I plan to find a specific and solid tale of the Gods and design an achievable game from what is provided and tweak it into what I believe would be an interesting story for modern media.

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